Charter Flight Notification Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Flight InformationPlease fill in Charter Flight information in the boxes provided below prior to the Charter Arrival. Contact CAE Airport Operations with any questions or issues at 803.822.5050.Arriving From: *ETADateTimeFerry / Live *FerryLiveETDDateTimeFerry / Live *FerryLiveAircraft Operator *Number of Inbound Passengers *Number of Outbound Passengers *Ground Handler *Aircraft Type *Parking *FBOTerminal RampGate RequestedCharter Purpose *(Casino, Military, Sports Team, etc.)Return TripIf there is a return trip associated with the initial Charter Operation, please complete the section below with the associated charter information. If there is not a Return Trip, leave the section below blank. Arriving FromETA Return TripDateTimeETA Return Trip Ferry / LiveFerryLiveETD Return TripDateTimeETD Return Trip Ferry / LiveFerryLiveAircraft Operator Return TripNumber of Inbound Passengers Return TripNumber of Outbound Passengers Return TripGround Handler Return TripAircraft Type Return TripParking Return TripFBOTerminal RampGate RequestedCharter Purpose Return Trip(Casino, Military, Sports Team, etc.)Remarks / Special Assistance Needed:Number of ADA passengers, vehicle escort requested, etc.Contact InformationReported By *FirstLastReported Date *Agency *Contact Email *Contact Phone *Notification SubmissionPlease review the information above prior to submitting the Charter Notification. To submit the Notification, click on the “Submit” button below. Contact Airport Operations with any questions or issues by phone at 803.822.5050 or by E-mail at