Lost & Found
The Columbia Metropolitan Airport utilizes the web application Pixit to manage our lost and found inventory. The system allows passengers to search for lost items and file a claim at any time from any device.
If you believe you have lost an item in the Columbia Metropolitan Airport, please file a claim by clicking this Pixit Link. Please do not submit multiple claims for the same item.
If you have any questions on filing a claim or the claim process, please email lostandfound@flycae.com or 803-822-5050 – option 4.
Lost and Found hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (excluding holidays). After hours calls and emails will be returned the next business day in the order they are received (excluding holidays).
Lost Baggage
Call the airline’s toll-free baggage claim number or submit a claim.
American Airlines: Submit a claim
Delta Air Lines: 1-800-325-8224
United Airlines:1-800-221-6903